
Legends Untold

Created by Inspiring Games

As deep as an RPG, as fast as a card game! A Co-operative Adventure card game that allows a party of 1-4 players (1-8 with both starter sets) to explore a deep and colourful world, populated by strange curiosities, challenging trials and intelligent foes.

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Great Sewers Book for final comments please
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 07:14:32 PM

Hey guys,

Game books are like buses, you wait on one for ages then two turn up in quick succession :)

This update shows you the Campaign book for the Great Sewers. The explanation behind what we are delivering is covered in update 72.  

Points to note:
Other than one section, this book is not the same as the Caves Campaign book. 
The Walkthrough Scenario uses cards from the Sewers set. The Campaign itself is clearly based on the Sewers set. The Card Alamanac also uses cards from the Sewers set.

The one section that is the same is the scene setting introduction called 'The Story Begins' on pages 20-23.  This is a deliberate design decision.  When we launched Legends Untold we had no idea what kind of following we would get. If you remember we thought we would get say 400 followers, make our £12k funding requirement and then give you a tiny box with 110 poker cards and some rules.
That game would take place in the Weeping Caves and only there.

When we got sufficient backing to launch the Great Sewers set we knew that we needed both sets to work independently so that a gamer could play the game with either. With this in mind if somebody were to play the Great Sewers set on its own at a later date they can play the game and also understand the introductory setting. 

If you revisit the Kickstarter you will see and hear these words:

8 were sent
4 Climbed High to the Weeping Caves
4 Descended to the Great Sewer below

These are the opening lines of the Saga of the Reluctant Heroes.

The Saga has many more verses - you are helping to write it! It is therefore important that everyone has the same starting point and understands how the story begins.

If you wish to avoid Spoilers please do not read pages 29-35.

How can you help?
If you are willing to provide commentary please do so by Thursday 5 April. We will then make final amendments and get the files off to the manufacturer as per the last two updates. 

Here is the link attached:

Best wishes you all!


Here is the correct link for the Caves Campaign Book
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 01:58:07 AM

Hey guys really sorry about this, there was a 'technical issue' (ahem) with the previous link.

The correct link has been updated on Update 72 and on Facebook. 

I am however aware the link provided will not be correct on the last email you received.

The correct link for the Caves Campaign Book is shown above.

I shall return to my cave full of maps, books and an abacus...

Weeping Caves Campaign Book - final comments please
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 12:46:48 AM

Hey guys,

I'm very excited to reveal this at last!

I want to let you get on with reading the document so I will try and summarise things with some Q&A:

Are there spoilers contained in the book?

Yes - if you do not want to read the detail behind the Cinematic Campaign please do not read pages 30-35.

What is this book?
Please note this book was never part of the original Kickstarter reward or stretch goals. The Weeping Caves Campaign Book will be provided with every copy of the Caves set purchased as a completely separate book from the rulebook we have already shared with you. You do not need to do anything to add this to your order we are giving this to you for free. 

How does it work?
The Campaign Book comprises three key elements:
1) A walkthrough scenario to teach you the game.

2) A Cinematic Campaign which is relevant to the environment being played (in this case the Weeping Caves).

3) A detailed Card Almanac which is used in conjunction with the rulebook when playing the game.

Why are we doing this?
1) We've been playing Legends for four years now and have lost objectivity when teaching the game. We took on board feedback that a walkthrough scenario would really help those players who were new to the game and wanted to get started straight away. 

2) We wanted to really push the immersion for you. I was never happy that we showed you this game and introduced you to the world but were constrained by having only one book to tell you what was happening.  By adding this book you can see the backdrop of why our reluctant heroes are going into the Weeping Caves and you will get to know a bit more about the personas and characters within. We would never have been able to give you this additional detail without adding the extra book.

3) From a user interface perspective it made sense to us that you should have the Card Almanac in a separate book to the Rulebook so that you could cross reference both simultaneously if required.

When do I get my game?
This is the last step guys!  We need to final proof this book and the Campaign Book for the Great Sewer (which I hope will be posted here by Monday). We have iterated these books over and over again so that you are seeing what we think is a finished product.
If we can get any final thoughts from you guys by Wednesday 4th April that would be massively appreciated.

It is our intent to send the cards, the three books, the punchboards and the packaging files to the manufacturer thereafter (so mid April at the latest).
However before I confirm exactly what that means for you I want to get the files away first, that is the priority for you, IG and the manufacturer.

How can I help?
If you are willing to read the Campaign Book and give us any feedback it would be hugely appreciated. This is our final quality assurance step, please let us know what you think.

The book is available here (filename: LU_Rules_Caves Guide v8.pdf):

For those that are having time off we wish you a pleasant holiday (and some happy reading time!).

Very best wishes to you and your families from us all here at IG.

Rulebook for final comments
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Mar 01, 2018 at 11:28:05 PM

Hey guys, shortest update ever as I will let the book do the talking.

The Rulebook is finally ready for unveiling, I should stress that the book has turned out far beyond our original aspirations for the game. 

You will see the Rulebook saved as V5 on the attached site here:

If you want to help please add any comments to the document by the end of Saturday the 3rd of March.

We are really looking for comments on things that are not readable or understandable please. We have tried to accommodate requests where we thought there was a value add to the game (for example the point about making the Bright icon on the Location cards brighter than the Ambient icon) however we need to be selective as we need to send these files away so that you guys can get the game!

The Campaign Books will be uploaded soon too for input (these are a few more days away).

Please note an important caveat - where you see [] beside an icon. This is deliberate. It is our easiest way or replacing icons if the wrong one has been used. These will be removed before sending.

Happy reading!

Best wishes to you all

Getting close now! Rulebooks, tokens, manufacturing timetable
about 7 years ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 10:04:56 PM

Hey guys,

I am going to be a lot more succinct on this update as there is a lot of stuff to share and I'll let that speak for itself. So, what have we been up to?

1) The game cards - they are all done now. However some of the reference cards (play aids) need to tweaked slightly as we have added in a few things. They will be done this week (indeed some of them are finished already).

2) Tokens - again these are all done. 

3) Scout and Guard Characters.
One thing that we have changed is how you represent the Scout and Guard characters in the Marching Order of the Party. For those unfamiliar with this, the Scout, Centre and Guard positions will at times be impacted differently during the game (by Traps and Booby Traps for example). At the Expo we used cards which had Scout and Guard written on them and players simply passed them around to one another as required. Please note any characters which are not either the Scout or the Guard are automatically placed in the Centre position.

What we wanted to do was really push the immersion for you a bit more. We have found space on the punchboards to give you new and improved Scout and Guard tokens (instead of the cards which were functional but not immersive) which you can pass between one another.  The tokens use all new art commissioned on a top-down basis to match the Party token which you are already getting. If you remember the Party token is different for the Caves and the Sewers and also has an obverse and reverse to demarcate whether you have light or not.

We did not make this decision lightly because to do it right we have had to commission 8 separate token images. If you have a look at the image below you can see that we have:
Used actual characters in the game on a top-down basis;
Created sets for both the Caves and Sewers;
Added light and dark versions for both the Scout and Guard.

4) Occupation cards
A while back a number of you pointed out that the Occupation cards looked as if the characters were 'floating' against the wooden background and not grounded which was causing confusion when looking at them. We showed you work in progress pictures of the new cards, here is the complete version.  Please note the brightness adjustment to the character (the characters were too dark before) and also the improvement to the textures around the edge of the card.

5) Rules
The Core Rulebook is going through the layout process just now.
Please find the first 25 pages for you to look through at the link below.
There are a few errors in this sample that we are aware of. Apologies for these guys but I wanted to get these out to you this weekend as I know you are all anxious to see where we are with things.
In particular I would point out:
i) The Contents page is NOT complete and will be done at the end when all the pages are assembled.
ii) The Reference cards in blue will be inserted in the next iteration.
iii) The Plot cards shown are clearly not the right image!
iv) Search tokens have a front and a back (open and closed barrel).
v) There is a bit of confusion on the time icon that is used.  A vertical open hourglass  = spend time, a blocked in horizontal hourglass  = gain time (this will be rectified).
vi) Any [] left in are an oversight from using the Legends Untold font (yes there is one) and will be rectified.
vii) The reverse of the Location cards and the Brightness icons used are incorrect. This is an oversight.

the link is here:

6) Campaign Books

The Campaign Books have now been proofed and are ready for final layout.

7) Timetable
We are very close now. We have spoken to the manufacturer and we are working on getting the files to them by the end of this month.  The production is scheduled to be complete by late April with the game arriving in Warehouses in Mid June with onwards shipping ASAP. I will of course confirm that in more detail closer to the time, right now we need to finish the three rule books in final layout format and get the files to the manufacturer.

What can you do to help us?
If you are willing to, please read the rules provided and let us know of anything which does not make sense or any errors you find (please note my caveat that we are aware there are some mistakes in there just now).

Please, if you want to add anything else to your pledge (I ask because a lot of you have been of late) then do so soon so that we can lock down the order.

Best wishes to all of you and your families!